he will spare cafes to play every day

Video: junior high school three days Paowang Ba sudden death fell to the ground instantly beat & nbsp; & nbsp; Source: Liaoning TV, "said the world" Zhou Rong fell to the ground dead parents, law enforcement officers came to the moment when viewing black bars, the room suddenly out of a man forced to close the window.
Zhou Rong expressed grief parents, son of long-term addicted to computer games, frequented Internet cafes, and Qingming three-day holiday in addition to go home to sleep at night, but all in black bars through. Reporters found that Zhou Rong death scene just 50 meters from the community's largest Internet cafes.
Surveillance video recording sudden death scene
Yesterday, reporters received a report that came to the scene Komeito Jiazitang New South Wu Xiang intersection. In the Community Policing, the reporter through surveillance video to see in the morning 7:18:19, wearing uniforms Zhou Rong thin stature, his hands stuck in his pocket, running from east to west,Louboutin Talon Compensé, walking suddenly forward, fall After the fall rolled over, legs bent struggle, after 30 seconds, struggling slowly straighten legs.
7:21:58, a bike worker found strange as people view the initiative,http://www.users.on.net, and to the nearby police booth. When the New Komeito subsequently rushed to hospital emergency doctors, but Zhou Rong confirms that they have died.
Liu Tong Yu police officers,Louboutin Homme, the deceased was only 15 years old Zhou Rong, Department of Wu Pei-English Experimental School in the early sophomore. After Bao'an police forensic identification, Zhou Rong of sudden death, suspected heart problems related. At the same time, the police did not find any injuries in the peripheral body. Circumstances of the case is still under investigation.
Qingming three days the dead linger Internet cafes
Reporters learned that Zhou Rong is the youngest in the home, parents are farmers Huantong vegetable processing plants, Guangdong Yangchun people.
For his son's death, Zhou parents doubt continue for some time with his son indulging in Internet cafes game related. Huangqing Lan said Rong Tsai obsessed with the Internet for two years,http://www.replication.jp, and last month,http://s-72384.gotocdn.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6240650, increasingly severe. Qingming three-day holiday, he will spare cafes to play every day, in the morning before they go home to sleep. According to Zhou Rong's brother,Louboutin Bottines, said his brother and some students access to the money.
For the initial identification of the police, the mother Huangqing Lan insisted that no genetic family history of heart disease.
Schools reflect the behavior of the Internet have truancy
Zhou Rong where the school official said Zhou Rong, general performance in school, middle grades, likes to sleep in the classroom, there is absenteeism, no homework and other acts. Classmates think this evening he went to Internet cafes Internet related.
During the interview,http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/masuda/pcbbs_sub.cgi?mode=howto, the reporter found Jiazitang North Lane on the 1st District, South Sanxiang on the 18th bungalow is next door to two large black iron bars, had been seized seal has been attached to the door shutters. Insider said: "Zhou Rong often in that room bungalow cafe haunt metal,Louboutin Souliers Plat, there are more than 100 computers Zhou Rong sudden death news spread,http://www.middleeast.org/read.cgi, more than 30 Internet cafes Jiazitang they are quietly closed.."
□ reporter's notes
Interest chain behind black bars
Komeito Jiazitang Community actual living area of less than 1,Louboutin Pas cher,000 acres, the presence of more than 30 Internet cafes. Just when the reporter,http://www.blogharbor.com/cgi-bin/page.cgi, a staff member turned street when facing reporters plea: "Do not report illegal Internet cafes, and those black bars are not open for business now." It seems that the black bars behind there a deeper more interests of the chain,http://mingxinpian.vip.adminftp.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=163007, only cut off the root of the chain,http://667790.com/thread-290324-1-1.html, to cure repeated letters are not absolutely black bars.